so life is going pretty well, im not gonna pull a bunch of tumblr shit on ya and talk about my personal life, but now that i'm finished school i'm gonna have some more time to animate, eat food and get fat
i've started a new contest to generate some likes for my like page
whoever posts the funniest wall post on my like page, i will draw a character of you and use it in one of my cartoons
(*note, you actually have to like the page to be eligible)
oh and here is the RE-UNdead like page if you wanna like it (it sucks but some people love it)
i also have this new youtube account! check it homies
well thats all for now, till next time, stay sexy newgrounds
define funny? unfortunately I'm not known to be a comedian...all that really counts is that I'm the first person to comment AHA!
anything really, i like wit, something that will make me say "WOW THIS GUYS SOMETHING ELSE"